
Book of the Month

Beebee Bear

How can reading aloud change the world?

  • Reading aloud builds vocabulary, comprehension, and working memory.
  • Reading aloud makes texts accessible to all learners.
  • Reading aloud holds up a mirror to support children’s identity, experience, and social-emotional learning.
  • Reading aloud opens a window into the cultures, identities, and experiences of others.
  • Reading aloud builds community and a lifelong love of reading.

All this — just by reading aloud!

Choosing the right text is key — a story that will quickly grab students’ attention, make connections, and promote social-emotional learning.

So is knowing how to support comprehension during the reading and how to lead rich, text-based discussion afterward.

How can JillE Literacy help?

The JillE Literacy Read Aloud Books make it easy to make the most of every read-aloud experience with captivating, relatable stories that feature authentically embedded social-emotional learning, along with teacher notes that show exactly how to guide students before, during, and after reading — how to introduce the book, how to make the reading more engaging, how to model thinking and ask good questions without interrupting the flow of the story, how to encourage students to participate, how to ask open-ended questions that will get students talking about the book — easy-to-use guidance inside every book that can be used by classroom teachers, assistants, tutors, or volunteers.

Use the notes inside the front cover to guide the read-aloud experience.

Engage the Listener with a book introduction that builds curiosity and suspense.

Enhance the Reading by using the tips for voices, sound effects, and actions that bring the story to life. 

Enjoy the Story by modeling what good readers do, stopping at key moments to ponder, predict, infer, and make connections.

Extend the Experience after reading by asking thoughtful questions that spark text-centered discussion.

Children Will Love To… participate in the reading with actions and movement.

Use the optional response activities inside the back cover to extend learning after the read-aloud.

Writing and drawing to describe an object or character

Creative Arts to create a mural showing characters and dialogue from the story

Social-Emotional Learning to support kindness and consideration

Speaking & Listening that uses partner talk to build oral language skills 

Language & Vocabulary acting out ‘wow’ words from the story

Independent Reading using the audio narrated by the author, Jill Eggleton 

Beebee Bear comes from the Grade K Whole-Class Resources kit, but students of all ages will relate to this delightful story of a boy and his special childhood friend. 

Sign up or log in to read the book and to download the accompanying Teacher Notes from the Related Resources section below.

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